科研项目 Funded Projects

项目负责人 PI

1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(42001164),城市微观建成环境和社会环境对盗窃犯罪影响的时空异质性研究,2021.1-2023.12

2. 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(20YJC840014),多学科视角下西安居民空气污染暴露的时空特征研究,2019.9-2021.5

3. 中国博士后国际交流计划“引进项目”,2018.1-2020.12

4. 陕西省留学人员科技活动择优资助项目,建成环境与城市犯罪——基于街景的空间分析,2019.11-2021.11

5. 西安市社会科学规划基金世界城地组织专项课题(CDS17),基于手机大数据的人口空气污染暴露风险研究,2020.3-2020.11

6. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项科研项目(SK2020011),基于手机大数据的盗窃犯罪时空结构与影响因素研究,2020.1.2022.1

7. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项科研项目(SK2018003),基于地理信息技术的城市空间环境与犯罪关系研究,2018.1-2020.1

8. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助(2017M623151),建成环境对暴力犯罪的影响——基于街景数据的实证研究,2017.3-2019.2

9. 西安交通大学“新教师科研支持计划”, 面向社区治理的社区环境和公共安全关系研究,2017.3-2018.12

10. 国家大学生创新计划项目(200723),城市地下排水管网GIS控件的开发,2007.10-2009.4

项目参与人 Co-PI

1. 国家社会科学基金重大项目(19ZDA149),大数据驱动的网络社会心态发展规律与引导策略研究,2019.12-2024.11

2. 国家社会科学基金重大项目(18ZDA133),“一带一路”背景下国际移民的流入模式与空间特征研究,2018.11-2023.11

3. 西安交通大学新兴学科培育与学科交叉项目(8X3A001),一带一路沿线国家的文化交流,2018.1-2019.12

4. 教育部人文社科青年基金项目(18YJC190029),低阶层者形成阴谋心态的动机过程及其干预策略研究,2018.3-2020.12

5. 西安交通大学自贸区研究院专项科研项目(ZMW2018003),陕西与中亚人文交流现状评估与对策研究,2018.6-2018.12

6. 西安交通大学基本科研业务费人文社科类重点科研平台青年学术团队支持专项,西安居民空气污染暴露的时空特征,2019.1-2019.12

7. 西安交通大学2018年本科教学改革研究项目(1823Y),“双一流”建设背景下本科生赴外访学质量提升的对策研究,2018.6-2020.6

8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(41371424),基于DEM的月表撞击坑特征及空间异质性研究,2014.1-2017.12

9. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(41101439),面向户外导盲的城市空间建模及关键算法研究,2012.1-2014.12

10. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(41101349),基于矢量元胞自动机和多主体的区域LUCC建模与模拟,2012.1-2014.12

11. 江苏省测绘科研项目(JSCHKY201010),基于DSM的建筑物三维几何模型构建方法研究,2010.4-2011.3


2016-2017,先进车辆技术(Advanced Vehicle Technologies)对于老年人驾驶行为、流动性和社会政策的探索性分析 (McMaster University, Labarge 老龄优化项目)



2010-2011,基于GIS的历史典籍时空信息解析与表达 – 以史记为例(香港中文大学直接资助研究项目,SS09490)




Selected Funded Projects

  • PI, “Spatio-temporal heterogeneity of the influence of urban micro built environment and social environment on theft”, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC, 42001164), 2021-2023.
  • PI, “Built environment and urban crime: Spatial analysis using street view data”, Science and Technology Support Project for Overseas Scholars in Shaanxi, 2019-2021.
  • PI, “Resident air pollution exposure risk analysis using mobile phone big data”, Xi’an Social Science Planning Fund (CDS17), 2020-2021.
  • PI, “Spatial-temporal characteristics of air pollution exposure of residents in Xi’an: A multidisciplinary perspective”, Humanities and Social Sciences Research Youth Foundation, Chinese Ministry of Education (20YJC840014), 2019-2021.
  • PI, International Postdoctoral Exchange Fellowship (Talent-Introduction Program), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, 2018-2020.
  • PI, “space-time structure and correlates of larceny-theft: An analysis using mobile phone big data”, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (SK2020011), 2020-2022.
  • PI, “Urban spatial environment and crime: An analysis using geographic information technology”, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (SK2018003), 2018-2020.
  • PI, “Impact of built environment on violent crime: An empirical study based on street view data”, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2017M623151), 2017-2019.
  • PI, “Community environment and public safety”, New Scholar Support Program by Xi’an Jiaotong University, 2017-2018.
  • PI, “GIS control for urban underground drainage pipe network”, National Innovation Program for College Students (200723), 2007-2009.
  • Co-PI, “Development law and guidance strategy of network social mentality driven by big data”, Major Project of the National Social Science Fund of China (19ZDA149), 2019-2024.
  • Co-PI, “Inflow pattern and spatial characteristics of international migration under the background of Belt and Road”, Major Project of the National Social Science Fund of China (18ZDA133), 2018-2023.
  • Co-PI, “Cultural exchanges among countries along the Belt and Road route”, Emerging discipline cultivation and interdisciplinary projects supported by XJTU, 2018-2019.
  • Co-PI, “Motivation process of forming conspiracy mentality and its intervention strategies of lower class people”, Humanities and Social Sciences Research Youth Foundation, Chinese Ministry of Education (18YJC190029), 2018-2020.
  • Co-PI, “Evaluation and countermeasure research on the current situation of cultural exchanges between Shaanxi and Central Asia”, Special research project of the Institute of “Belt and Road” Pilot Free Trade Zone (ZMW2018003), 2018-2019.
  • Co-PI, “Empirical analysis of the spatial and temporal patterns of Xi’an residents air pollution exposure risk”, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (The young academic team of key research platform supports special projects), 2019-2019.
  • Co-PI, “Countermeasures to improve the quality of undergraduate students’ overseas study under the background of ‘Double First Class’ construction”, 2018 Undergraduate Teaching Reform Research Project of Xi’an Jiaotong University (1823Y), 2018-2020.
  • Co-PI, “Characteristics and spatial heterogeneity of lunar impact crater based on DEM”, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC, 41371424), 2014-2017.
  • Co-PI, “Urban space modeling and key algorithms for outdoor blind guide”, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC, 41101439), 2012-2014.
  • Co-PI, “Regional LUCC modeling and simulation based on vector cellular automata and multi-agent”, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC, 41101349), 2012-2014.
  • Co-PI, “Method of building 3D geometric model based on DSM”, Jiangsu Surveying and Mapping Research Project (JSCHKY201010), 2010-2011.

 学术论文 Peer-reviewed Publications

  • He G, He L (共同一作), Zhang B, Ge T, Chen Y. (2022) The greener, the happier? The effects of greenspace on residents’ happiness in contemporary urban China. Journal of Community Psychology. 1-21. (SSCI,二区)
  • 乐阳, 刘瑜, 陈云松, 贺力, 陈晨, 李文雯, 秦昆, 贾涛, 许刚, 王法辉, 王静远, 谢幸, 徐丰力, 徐阳, 苏世亮, 桂志鹏, 游兰, 张明达, 张丰, 张晓祥, 赵博, 赵耀龙, 周钰伦, 黄波, 曹凯. (2022) 空间和地理计算与计算社会学的融合路径[J]. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 47(1): 1-18. doi: 10.13203/j.whugis20210619(EICSSCI
  • 贺力,卢春天,姜利标. 以人文交流促进与中亚的民心相通——陕西与中亚民心相通的现状、挑战与机遇[J].西安交通大学学报(社会科学版). 2021, 41(03): 43-47. DOI:10.15896/j.xjtuskxb.202103006(CSSCI
  • 人大复印报刊资料》“文化研究”2021年第10期全文转载。
  • 贺力,边燕杰. 以人文交流促进与中亚的民心相通——实现民心相通的教育科研机制[J].西安交通大学学报(社会科学版). 2021, 41(03): 58-63. DOI:10.15896/j.xjtuskxb.202103006. (CSSCI
  • 人大复印报刊资料》“文化研究”2021年第10期全文转载。
  • Long D, Liu L, Xu M, Feng J, Chen J, He L. (2021) Ambient population and surveillance cameras: The guardianship role in street robbers' crime location choice. Cities. 115, 103223. (SSCI, 一区)
  • He, L., Páez, A., Jiao, J., An, P., Lu, C., Mao, W., Long, D. (2020). Ambient population and larceny-theft: A spatial analysis using mobile phone data. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 9(6), 342. (SCI, 二区)
  • He, L., Páez, A., & Liu, D. (2017). Built environment and violent crime: An environmental audit approach using Google Street View. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 66, 83-95. (SSCI一区)
  • Wu, M., Zhu, A., & He, L. (2018). Improving the quality of cartographic colour reproduction using the self-organizing map method. The Cartographic Journal. 55(3), 273-284. (SSCI三区)
  • He L, Páez A, Liu D (2016). Persistence of crime hot spots: An ordered probit analysis. Geographical Analysis, 49, 3-22. (SSCI, 二区)
  • He L., Páez A., Liu D., Jiang S. (2015). Temporal stability of model parameters in crime rate analysis: An empirical examination. Applied Geography, 58, 141-152. (SSCI, 一区)
  • He L, Chen M, Lu G, Lin H, Liu L, Xu J (2013) An approach to transform Chinese historical books into scenario-based historical maps. Cartographic Journal. 50(1), 49-65. (SSCI, 三区)
  • Yue S, He L, Wen Y, Lu G, Lin H (2013) Shape characteristics based extraction of lunar impact craters: Using DEM from the Chang’E-1 satellite as a data source. Annals of GIS, 19(1): 53-62. (SCIE)
  • Chen M, Lin H, Hu M, He L, Zhang C (2013) Real-geographic-scenario-based virtual social environments: integrating geography with social research. Environment and planning B: Planning and Design, 40(6), 1103-1121. (SSCI, 一区)
  • Wen Y, Chen M, Lu G, Lin H, He L, Yue S (2013) Prototyping an open environment for sharing geographical analysis models on cloud computing platform. International Journal of Digital Earth, 6(4), 356-382. (SCI, 一区)
  • Chen M, Lin H, Wen Y, He L (2012) Sino-VirtualMoon: A 3D web platform using Chang’e-1 data for collaborative research. Planetary and Space Science, 65(1), 130-136. (SCI, 三区)
  • Chen M, Lin H, Lu G, He L, Wen Y (2011) A spatial-temporal framework for historical and cultural research on China. Applied Geography, 31(3): 1059-1074. (SSCI, 一区)
  • Chen M, Lin H, Wen Y, He L, Hu M (2011) Construction of a virtual lunar environment platform. International Journal of Digital Earth. 6(5), 469-482. (SCI, 一区)
  • Wen Y, Chen M, Wang X, Zhang F, He L (2011) Research on HTML5-based Web vector map publishing strategy. International Journal on Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences (AISS), 3(9), 274-285. (EI)
  • Wen Y, Chen M, Lu G, He L, Tao H (2011) Distributed sharing of geographical models, International Journal of Information Processing and Management, 2(1), 114-20.

发明专利  Patent

胡迪; 贺力; 闾国年; 刘龙雨一种中国历史典籍信息的空间集成方法. 专利号:ZL 2015 1 0051362.8. 授权公告日: 2018.04.24.

HuD, He L, Lu G, Liu L. (2018). “A spatial integration method for Chinese historical books”, China Patent No. ZL2015 1 0051362.8, April 24, 2018.

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